
Erin Esurance Statuette

Erin Esurance

Here on my professional site, you can see highlights of brand marketing and advertising work I’ve done in both full-time and consulting roles for B2C and B2B brands.

A lot of the work shown is from my 10 years at Esurance, a U.S. online insurance company I helped grow from an unknown start-up to a billion-dollar success story. Erin Esurance, the brand icon I created for the company, was inducted into the U.S. Advertising Icon Museum in 2009.

Whether creating a pink-haired animated icon for an insurance company or writing the script for an educational video about online safety, I love to work collaboratively on projects to develop innovative marketing and communications strategies that engage audiences and achieve strong results.

Important Stuff: It takes a village to create communications. Big gratitude to my employers, my clients, my long-time creative partners, the animators, the voice talents, the writers, the production folks, the designers, the musicians, and the PR people whom I’ve gotten to work with over the years. Rights owned by all those who own them where indicated and where otherwise assumed. Content shown is for portfolio purposes only.